A teacher assistant performs various types of important jobs in an educational set up. We see the teacher assistant work in different levels, at elementary level and higher level. When they work at higher stages like college level, university level, we call them Graduate Teaching Assistant (GTA) and Under Graduate Teaching Assistant (UTA).
Why Teacher Assistant Needs to Take Training Programs?Every teacher assistant is to work at a particular educational set up, where he has to adjust himself, it is no doubt a hazardous and laborious job, so to deal with the students of various ages, a TA (Teacher Assistant) needs to go through course training programs.

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How to Proceed for TA Certification Program?When any one is aspiring to become an teacher aide, the another term for teacher assistant, he can get his entry level qualification from community colleges, minimum entry level education is diploma from any college or bachelor degree. A teacher assistant certification program offers associate degree usually, in some cases demonstrate able mathematical skill test and high school transcript competency test, some times college level English course is included. Program course offers study on six fields. Those are
1. Child development
2. Educational psychology
3. Children’s literature
4. Mathematics for elementary teacher
5. Child behavior
6. Class room management
Why These Fields of Study Are Chosen
As a teacher assistant one has to monitor the whole class, he needs to watch on the activity of the children at elementary class, so he needs to interact with them most of the time that is why child development field is studied thoroughly. Another important sphere is educational psychology, children are to be taught in proper way, what they want or what they don’t want is very much important factor, the mental study of the children is very much necessary. Next is children’ literature, which a teacher assistant should understand well, usually children like to read story with interesting pictures in the books, so a teacher assistant must understand what book the children prefer to read. A teacher assistant should know elementary maths, as when required he may have to teach the students maths. Child behavior is also an important factor, a TA should study this field very well, how a child reacts to certain occurrences, is very much worth of noticing. During the certification course training, a teacher assistant must be aware about the class room management, during the presence of regular class teacher he has to maintain also the discipline of the class, to administering the class he must be adapted with the class room management study.
The Growth of Teacher Assistant Job in the Market
According to BLS report, more teachers will be needed during 2010-2020, because with the course of time English will emerge as a second language for this more teachers as aide of the regular teachers will be required. As per statistics, the teacher assistant‘s median annual salary in 2010 was $23,640. You'll need to submit professional teacher assistant resume to get a job.
Some Famous Teacher Assistant Certification Training Offering Institutions
1. Middlesex County College
Edison New jersey, it offers associate degree for TA
2. CUNY Borough Manhattan Community CollegeNew York, it also offers associate degree.
3. Baker College, Allen ParkMichigan, certificate program it offers associate degree and bachelor degree.
4. Universidad Del Est.Carolina, Puerto Rico, it offers associate degree, bachelor and masters degree.
A candidate can go for teacher assistant certification program through online training, at this study he can do class work efficiently, but this job needs too much patience. He needs to have good writing skill and communication skill because during parents meet he has to converse with guardians.