Congrats!!! For becoming a mother! It’s really good news!!! But why you are looking so upset, worried, as if you haven’t slept for nights? What is the issue? Yes, one of the great issues that occurs subsequent to giving birth of the newborns.
There are about 10-20% of the new mothers, who experience a strange feeling in combination of irritability, panic, of lamentation and acute insomnia, widely referred to as baby blues. Such incidence commonly begins within the first few days following women give birth and may continue for 2-3 weeks of time. However, in many women the problem ‘baby blues’ don't subside even within a month while the symptoms of worry, depression and insomnia become worsen rather than its relinquishment. This condition can no more be called as baby blues but to be treated as PPD or postpartum depression.

As per medical science, the problem can hit any new mother; however, the women have higher risk to suffer from PPD are those who have undergone a PPD earlier or have any sort of personal or family record of experiencing depression, having severe depression during pregnancy, have had any difficult pregnancy as well as delivery, or those who give birth of unwell babies.
PPD symptoms
The symptoms of Postpartum Depression remain similar to that of all those found in baby blues, but in PPD it appears to be more enduring, notable and may last for months, a year or more than that. The symptoms like expression of grief, extreme fatigue, reduced appetite, persistent worry, helplessness, insomnia, hopelessness, carelessness about self or the baby or memory loss becomes acute and irresistible and if not consulted with physician in time for necessary solutions a unknown reason of panic and obsessive thoughts can even make a woman committee suicide.
PPD Consequences
The indifferent attitudes of mothers undergoing a phase of PPD naturally make them withdraw normal care from the newborn. It appears that she like to extract her responsibilities from the e baby since the feelings of helplessness; scantiness and carelessness make her aloof from all relations. In extreme cases, PPD can result in hallucination and put both lives at stake.
PPD Is Curable
It is rather difficult for a woman to apprehend or admit that they are suffering from acute baby blues or PPD. However, someone of you or your husband can definitely sense that something odd is taking place in you and before it become too late, you must contact your physician and describe him the issue.
- In case, your health care practitioner diagnose the situation is grievous, especially when the symptoms persist for a longer time, he/she may advice you to undergo a thyroid test. Please note, irregularities in the level of thyroid hormone, either more of lass, may cause emotional instability.
- Your healthcare practitioner will advise you to obtain support from your friends, relations as well your husband and, from your side, never hesitate to accept their cooperation so as to coming out of this difficult situation becomes possible for you.
- You should intake enough water that will make you look fresh. Take nap when the baby sleeps. Use best pregnancy body pillow to get the much needed rest. You can buy Leachco snoogle pillowas it's one of the best body pillow.
- Try to take food containing enough nutrients and that are tasty.
- Keep in touch with your physician. Even after all these actions, if your mental stability doesn’t come, he may suggest to consult a therapist to get treated of your depression. Apart from counseling, the mental therapist may prescribe certain antidepressants, which are harmless for breastfeeding mothers.
There are numbers of support communities who can assist you to get rid of postpartum depression. Fortunately, postpartum depression is fully curable if proper action is taken in time.