In the market we find different types of wine cooling systems, they are self contained cooling system, split system and the ducted system. The wine stocker uses the wine cooler as per his requirement. Each type has some characteristic for which these types are chosen. If we choose a ducted system, we have to go through its features.
The Features of Ducted Wine Cooling System
This wine cooling system is especially designed for giving a stable temperature, which is between 55- 65 degrees F, when the room of the wine cellar is properly insulated and the environment is normal. This cooling unit also maintains the humidity level at 50 to 70% RH, it is seen that when the environment becomes dry or quite humid it keeps the condition stable. You can buy this wine cooling unit for storing the wine for long term. This wine cooling unit is made for both purpose outdoor and indoor installation; by installation noise pollution can be reduced. For its installation no extra tube is needed to be fitted.
The Advantages of Using Ducted Wine Cooler
When you will install this type of wine cooling system, you will get some advantages. This type of unit helps to decreases the noise and vibration, as it is installed away from the wine cellar. You can mount it in a remote distance in your house, may be at the basement, at the attic, or nearby room. This type of wine cooling system has digital display and electronic control system which help to monitor the climate from outside. In this ducted cooling system, vapour barrier is installed on the warmer side of the cellar walls so that moisture infiltration can be stopped.
The Functioning of Ducted Wine Cooling System
You have many options to install it, and it can be installed up to 25 feet from the wine cellar. In this rain cooling system, cool air is flown to the cellar and the heat exhaust is ducted to the outer side of the house, as it is placed far distance so it is cannot be seen by the visitors, that is why the wine stocker who does not like to see it, chooses this cooling unit.
The Disadvantages of Ducted Wine Cooling System
There are some draw backs of installation of ducted wine cooling system also. Firstly it is too costly for installation, for domestic purpose it is not possible to bear with; on the other hand it is usually purchased for commercial purpose. Next, if it is used, some times; noisy situation might create, after its installation air conditioner of reverse type system that it has, can definitely be very much expensive for functioning and to operate.
We use different types of wine cooling systems as per our wine cellar capacity, size, and shape and of course it location. Usually we make our wine at our basement, or attic or near by room some times in any far distanced room. We find all the cooling units have various features, which are very much useful to us for storing wine for long term, when you will go for buying a ducted cooling unit you must go through its pros and cons in detail.Links